If you can’t take them out to the pond…

then bring a little bit of pond inside for them!

As you know by now, I always prefer to do nature lessons outside but right now I’m doing a series of classes at the Hyannis Public Library and so the classes are inside. Last week we did a little exploring with some tide pools in buckets and this week we explored some pond animals and plants…

I love to watch kids interact directly with wild animals–even tiny wild animals like this little painted turtle. They are a little shy and nervous at first but then they really get into it.

This young lady had a whole conversation going on….

We ended the session making some turtles and frogs of our own and as you can see we had some grown up helpers as well. I always want to give the grown ups their own projects but well, you know how it is sometimes….

Anyway, we’ve been having a great time in this class. One more session on August 25!

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