A little sunshine on a cloudy day….

We really, really can’t complain too loudly about the month of March this year….It was so mild for so long that the little bit of cold, wind and sogginess that we are experiencing this week is nothing but a reminder of what March is usually like.

Yesterday, in fact, I found my first blooming mayflowers, trailing arbutus, in the woods. Technically, my young grandsons found them

and this morning, to counter the dark and dank day full of drizzle I brought a few daffodils inside to paint, to brighten up the day.

You can find this painting on display with many other botanical watercolors at my Mary Richmond Design Etsy Shop.

Signs of Spring are everywhere….

It’s no secret that it’s been an early spring but as I was out and about this week I took some pictures to share…

Skunk cabbage is easy to find around most wetlands and it is way ahead of itself this year…and it has the funkiest flowers.

And the red maples are starting to bloom, always one of my favorites…

Here’s a closeup of the lovely, delicate flowers…

and of course there are plenty of these still in bloom…click on the link to see a very short video…

Daffodil Hill

I am still learning how to use this new site so thanks for bearing with me

I’ve moved!

Thanks for stopping by. Here you’ll find everything about my work as a writer, artist, naturalist and educator living on beautiful Cape Cod. Please check in regularly at the blog for the latest photos, stories and updates about Cape Cod nature and natural history. Browse the shop for cards, prints and gift items made from my illustrations and other artwork. Links to my writing can be found under Writing Links and my latest class listings can be seen clicking the Classes tab.

Taking a "lichen" to the Cape Cod landscape

Have you ever heard the one about Alice Algae and Freddie Fungus? Seems they took a lichen to each other.

Lichens are everywhere here on Cape Cod and many people are confused as to whether they are an algae or a fungus. They are neither, actually, but sort of a combination of the two. They get the advantage of the symbiotic qualities of the fungus as well as the photosynthetic abilities of the algae and can survive in what may otherwise be very tough and hostile habitats.

There are lichens such as the shield lichens that grow on tree bark and lichens that seem to grow in the air off of tree branches, like the dead man’s beard. In the coastal dune areas we also find a lot of reindeer lichen which has little branchlets that resemble antlers and my favorite, the little red capped British soldiers.

Every year I try to learn a little more about these interesting plants. There are thousands of different  kinds and I don’t really know how many we have here on Cape Cod but it would be fun to go out and see how many we could find.

For more information check out Gil Newtons’ Cape Cod Coastal Ecology Website.

Oh, what a beautiful day!

It sure didn’t feel like March around here today…It was so warm walking on the beach that we were in our shirt sleeves….

Look at the blue sky, the calm sea, the light sand….ahhhhh….

These photos are from Corporation Beach, taken around lunch time today…

Just beautiful….

These are the days that get us through the other not so nice days, the days when the cold wind howls down under our collars and through our ears….

On a day like today one can only sigh and think……perfection!

Here’s a quick little video of what it sounded and looked like walking along the water’s edge today…especially for those of you who couldn’t make it to the beach today….

Iceland Gulls Hanging out at Craigville Beach

One of the fun things about winter birding is that you can go to just about any beach parking lot and check out the gulls, mostly from the warm and cozy blind that is your car. Gulls will let you get pretty close in a car–but step outside it and they’ll be off in a second. Unless they think you are bringing them food in which case every gull within 5 miles will immediately show up.

Anyway, we get a lot of random gulls here each winter, many of whom are out of their usual range but are not all that unusual because each year we get a few and sometimes we get a few in the same place, winter after winter. At first glance all gulls seem to look alike, at least to the unpracticed eye…

but can you see what is different about this gull?

Here it is in flight

If you said it is mostly white with no black on the wing tips and that it has a black bill, not a yellow or ringed one, you would be correct. It is a bit mottled looking so we know it is probably an immature or juvenile bird.

Now look at this one…

Looks sort of familiar, right? But look again…

No black wing tips and very pale gray back….hmmmm….it’s not a Herring gull, a ring billed or a greater black backed gull and it is a good sized bird which rules out a few others.

This beauty is in fact an Iceland gull, as is the immature bird shown in the first few pictures. Both of them have been hanging out with their less fancy cousins at the Craigville Beach parking lot this winter and if you hang around for awhile and check the various gulls you see there you may come across both or one of them quite easily.

These northern beauties usually winter north of us but each year a few seem to straggle down our way. Reports from the north shore and the Plymouth area are not uncommon and they often show up with other gulls in parking lots. Yep, opportunists just like the rest of the gang.

Iceland gulls breed in the arctic, usually on rocky cliffs facing the fjords in Greenland and northern Canada so these guys should be leaving soon. If you’re in the area though, check them out.