What a day! I spent the day with one of my daughters and a good friend heading down Cape to Provincetown. We hoped to see some whales but were generally happy to get out and about in Provincetown before the crowds hit.
It was much nicer there than we anticipated–the weather forecast had been iffy but when we got there it was pretty sunny. Later we would get clouds but the sun was nice.
Race Point was picture perfect and in the distance we saw hundreds of northern gannets diving and fishing. We even saw an Iceland gull fly by quite lazily. No pictures of these as my lens doesn’t really go that far.
Nice view though, huh?
The tide was very low and the flats went on forever into the horizon from our viewpoint on the edge of the breakwater.
This fellow and his dog were taking a leisurely meander across the sand…
Which seemed like a reasonable response to the circumstances.
Later, when we returned to Race Point we were treated to a fun show of multiple humpback whales spouting, feeding and slapping their flukes before diving. One pair seemed to be a mother and calf but from the distance it was hard to be sure, even with good binoculars. Yes, or no, it was still a spectacular show out there.
It was a great day to be in Provincetown, that’s for sure. If you go, be aware that much of Commercial St. is torn up and being worked on and walking down the street is trickier than usual. Maybe it will be done soon.
Isn’t it great to be on Cape Cod when all is peaceful and you feel like you have the whole world around you, all to yourself? (Except for the guy and his dog, that is
Your photos really capture the mood. Thanks for sharing them!
Best Regards,
Your photos really capture the mood … they make me want to take in a nice, deep big breath of the salty spring air.
Oops! Sorry for the extraneous P.S. in my last comment. But the sentiment still holds!