Look who was at the beach this morning….


I never see bunnies at the beach. I see their tracks so I know they are around but I can’t think of a single time I’ve actually seen a rabbit just hanging out on the beach. I’ve seen them in the marsh and way inside the dunes where there is more grass than sand but today I was walking down the beach and there was a bunny just hanging out between the gulls and the terns. I had my camera but when I turned it on the rabbit skedaddled…

Later as I rounded the tip of this beach where there are more dunes I saw another one…

Do you see it up there near the top of the dune? The other rabbit had run up over the dunes on the other side of this but this one came from under the rose bushes and paused a bit….

standing still and alert, waiting for me to pass by…(it never moved–this closer shot taken with my zoom lens)

and then as I was leaving the beach yet another little fellow was hanging out by the edge of the parking lot…it was definitely a bunny at the beach sort of morning…