is always awesome…
on some days there is a certain monochrome quality about it but it is still dramatic…
The rays of the sun shine from beneath the heavy clouds….
Casting a silver light on all that is in its path, including Mr. Arlo here….
Now that summer has passed dogs are allowed on our beaches once again….just don’t forget your plastic pick up bags and please, people, don’t leave the full bags on the beach or in the parking lot
Someone else I read recently said her dog was checking his “pee-mail” and I’m pretty sure that’s what’s going on here…
A few stands of seaside goldenrod remain….
and as we leave the beach one of the saddest sights of early fall awaits us in the parking lot….when we see the lifeguard chairs up on the asphalt we know that the last vestiges of summer are truly on their way out…
But like Arlo, I’m going to enjoy these lovely days while I still can…