Early spring beach walks and whale watching

There’s possibly a big snowstorm heading our way this week but for now I’m sticking with thoughts of spring. There have been some really wonderful days for beach walking and I’ve been taking advantage of them. Hearing that right whales were being seen from the beach at Herring Cove gave me a good excuse to play hooky for a day last week to go see what I could see.

I called a friend and off we drove, stopping at Fort Hill, of course.

002and then at Marconi Beach in Wellfleet

015and finally we made it to Herring Cove where there were lots of people with binoculars and spotting scopes hoping to catch a glimpse of these marine mammal rock stars.

We were not disappointed! We watched a few small groups of right whales surface feeding, spouting and diving, showing us some good fluke views before they headed back down under the waves. My camera can show you the people but not the whales. You need a bigger lens than what I have to do that!

004 For fun I’ve begun a daily series of quick watercolors with little beach inspired sayings on them. I sell these in my online shop and will be offering prints here later in the season but in the meantime I’ll be posting them daily or close to daily on the blog. I hope you enjoy them.build your castles in the sand by mary richmond



Beach art

Everyone knows about making sand castles at the beach but there are lots of other fun art related projects one can do with any age kid but adults, too. The best part is you don’t need a thing except a willingness to gather materials and a lot of imagination.

We found this lovely lady left behind on the beach one day a few weeks ago….I have no idea who made her but they obviously lavished a lot of love and care on her.

012I often like to do some rock and sand art with the kids I teach in the summer and they come up with some amazing pieces. One day we made rock turtles and these are some of the ones the kids, ages 9-12, came up with.

020Check out the attention to detail in this one

017and this one….

023This one was smaller

024but they were all imaginative and fun

019The next few days on the Cape will be picture perfect for all sorts of outdoor activities but if you find yourself at the beach, why not make a rock and sand picture of your own?