When this bush blooms…

it means it is time for something wonderful to be going on….See the little white blossoms?
I’ll give you a hint….
This is called shad bush….and I’ll write more about what it signifies tomorrow.

This spring we have had such good weather that the shad bush was not the first blooming wild bush, which it often is. Most years it is the first sign of life along the ponds and streams and in the yore of old it meant something very special….do you know what it was and still is?

3 thoughts on “When this bush blooms…

  1. The flowers on the shad bush appear early in the spring when the shad run (river herrings).

  2. I think we might have some of those up here and they too are alread blooming. I think it signals the time when your beloved ocmes courting. (just making that up)

  3. mbmdesignbritt–you are totally correct 😉

    suki–and i think you are correct, too…;-)

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