Beach Flowers

Many of our beach flowers are blooming early this year. Lovely pink rosa rugosa is everywhere. Some areas have white blossoms as well but pink is the predominant color. Did you know that this iconic flower is actually a non-native? It arrived here from the orient in the mid 1800’s…
The other beach flower that is blooming up a storm right now is the beach pea. Yes, it is a real pea and also edible if you can find one not eaten by rabbits or other animals. Right now they are flowering like crazy. Look for plants that are low to the ground filled with violet or red-violet blossoms. In some areas they cover large swatches of sand.

You can find these at almost any Cape beach. These were photographed in Hyannis.

3 thoughts on “Beach Flowers

  1. Like your new layout with the what to watch for in June and the quotes. That Stevenson poem was always one of my fav's. My heart longs for the Cape, but I fear it is not going to work out for me.

  2. Oh love the flowers. I read a book once discribing the Rosa rugosa's. I always wanted some. I didnt know they werent native tho. love the peas too. lovely flowers.

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