Signs of spring are here!

You’ve probably been seeing and hearing them already but all of a sudden they really seem to be adding up. The first osprey was sighted in Falmouth, spring peepers have been heard even on the lower Cape and earthworms are done with their hibernation, making the newly arrived robins very happy. Song sparrows are singing and many other birds are setting up territories.

I’m off the the Cape Cod Natural History Conference at the college today but please add your favorite signs of spring to the comments section.

2 thoughts on “Signs of spring are here!

  1. the snow is melting, the sap is running, the roads have turned to mud.

    I was there in Hurricane Bob too. The difference is it is usually warmer outside in Hurricane season and you can cook on your grill. also, at my house i had town water so didnt lose the water. Regardless it is not fun. But i would take it any day over the earthquake devastation in Japan.

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