These summer days….

are so wonderful! We’ve been very lucky to finally be able to get out and paint these last two weeks and the classes have been great. I think sketching and painting outdoors attracts only the very best people because everyone is always so friendly and generous…always a good time.

First, there are the views….this one is in Wellfleet, from the tiny beach in front of the Wellfleet pier…

We set up our chairs and our easels…

and got to work….

and yes, it is work….with a little relaxing thrown in for good measure….

This student is trying out her new easel–found at a yard sale or thrift shop I believe and barely used!

Here you can see her set up a little better….and a bit of her unfinished watercolor.

Such a great way to spend the day….join us if you feel like it….full schedule is at Cape Cod Art and Nature Website