New Online Nature Sketching Course!

Are you hoping to start a nature journal this year? Wait no longer! I’m offering an online Nature Journal class for all levels beginning any time you want. You can sign up for one month and continue as long as you’d like. Sign up for a year and save some money as well as stay motivated. All you need is a sketchbook, a pencil and the willingness to try something new.

Yes, the weather may be frightful, but I’ll show you some fun sketching projects that will keep you drawing and interested all through the worst of the snow and ice.

Traveling? Bring your sketchbook and follow the prompts wherever you are!

Don’t wait–sign up before January 1 and save some cash! Just send me an email at capecodartandnature at gmail dot com and I’ll send you a PayPal invoice.

Sign up now and receive your first lesson on January 1 along with hints and a suggested supply list. Lessons will be sent once a week and you can begin any time you want.

A 30 day trial can be had for $20. Ongoing lessons can be secured now for the next calendar year for the sale price of $20 a month. I will send a monthly PayPal invoice on the 15th of the month (ie. on January 15 to start February 1) This will be a one time offering and is good from January 1, 2019 until December 31, 2019.

Sending a gift? Just let me know and I’ll send out a gift certificate online or by snail mail.

Keeping a Cape Cod nature journal

I love this time of year for sketching and painting. It can be a little chilly to be outside and exposed to the elements but I have found that if I bring my smaller sketchbook I can work pretty comfortably in the car.

I travel light and just bring a few things with me. I have a tiny little set of watercolor paints that comes in a tiny plastic box. The whole box fits in my hand. I bring a pen that has a very fine point and permanent black ink that won’t run when I put a watercolor wash over it. My favorite new toy, however, is the waterbrush. It has the water right in the handle! I have never bought one of these but I recently joined a sketchbook group online and everyone was raving about using these brushes so I bought one. Now I wonder how many years of sketching I have lost by not having one of these. There’s no need to carry water. I still need to carry my trusty cloth or paper towel to test colors and clean the brush but it has lightened up my load a lot.

013Sitting in the car and drawing or painting is not always comfortable but on cold and blustery days it is a LOT more comfortable than working outside in the elements.

I have been using a small Moleskine Watercolor Sketchbook which I can open up and either use flat for a panoramic view or I can use the two pages as two entries.

019I am also keeping a bird journal in a separate sketchbook filled with fine drawing and watercolor paper. It is handmade and I bought it as a special holiday gift for myself.

018I like these sorts of sketching times because I can add notes, sightings, etc. or anything else I want to add. Bad poetry has been known to happen….

011 012Some days this past week have been pretty warm and today I actually sat outside to paint some of the many crocuses that are finally blooming in my yard.


For me, looking back in these journals will bring me back to these hopeful spring days out on the beach and in the garden in a way that a photograph never can.




Sketching birds

This has been a tough winter here on Cape Cod for getting outside and doing much sketching so most of my bird sketching has been done from inside. During one of the first big snow storms I sketched some of these little guys that were visiting my feeders.

012Birds move quickly so I have to sketch really quickly to keep up with them. Mostly I go for a quick gesture or detail. I can take photos, and I do, but the sketches are just more lively.

I work at a small table by a window overlooking the feeders in my tiny back yard in Hyannis. I get a surprising number of birds.

011One day I may concentrate on flickers and another on nuthatches or Carolina wrens.

034I like to add little notes, making it a bit of a bird journal as well as sketchbook.

008And some days I just draw and sketch cardinals. They tend to hang around the longest…

Cardinal sketches by Mary Richmond Cape Cod Art and Nature

035People ask me often what the secret is to drawing birds. It isn’t hard. You just have to be patient and willing to make some silly looking drawings. Be observant before you make the first line. Birds repeat motions. Which poses are most indicative of the species? Start slowly and practice. Have fun!